travel advice #1: hostelworld

>> Thursday, August 13, 2009

whenever i plan for a trip, my number one preference is a great price on the airfare. if the airfare is a steal, then i will jump on it right away; without a worry in the world about how much i am going to spend on where i sleep and what i eat, not to mention souvenirs for friends back home. nope, i don't worry about those things, and you know why? mostly because great deals are almost always to be found on... hostelworld. if you're the kind of person that is more careful about his or her planning, then checking hostelworld for prices before you book the airfare can't hurt.

there are probably plenty of other hostel websites around the internet, but this particular one has never failed me. i love being able to read the reviews and viewing the ratings of past visitors. on a whole, i've always had good experiences with my choices.

everytime i mention the word 'hostel,' people look at me, horrified. then they ask me if i've ever seen the movie HOSTEL. no, i have not seen it, and i don't think i'd want to. but even if i did, i don't think it would stop me from going back to a hostel. because to be honest, without the option of staying at hostels, i probably would not have been able to go to all the places i've been to, mostly because of the cost. of course, hostels are probably not the most classiest, most comfortable places to stay, but come on people, they're not five star hotels, they are hostels! you are there to see a new country, and most of the time you'll be busy walking around exploring the new culture, eating new foods, you won't even be in you room, except to sleep. so ask yourselves, "do i really need this expensive luxury?" because by the time you're back in your room, you'd be so exhausted you won't even care where you are, or how your mattress isn't tempurpedic. i personally enjoy the interaction with people in dorm-style rooms; finding it true that those who travel are so friendly and open to meeting new people. if you're not all about meeting others, then there are always private room options; some even come with its own restroom! sweet! so really, don't be scared off by that stupid movie. try it out, at least once. please? think about the money you'll be saving staying at a hostel for $15 dollars a night, versus $100+ at a hotel. you can spend the difference on a lavish dinner! for two! or extra taxi rides, or souvenirs, or.. just save it for your next trip!

even though i am all about hostels, and think its the most wonderful idea in the world, i must also give some words of caution. when you travel, you should always be aware of your surroundings. don't give people easy opportunities to take advantage of you, and they won't. always be aware where your personal items are, and keep your most important items closest to you at all times. sometimes when i sleep in a dorm-style hostel, i like to keep my purse with my money, passport, and personal information underneath the covers with me. but hey, that's just me, i personally like being extra careful, because that has kept me safe from harm all these years. i can proudly say i've never once been pick pocketed, or lost any important documentation or money during my travels.


one of the best times of my life

>> Tuesday, August 11, 2009

seeing a picture like that reminds me of how much i want to get out of here. i am always longing to travel to different countries. it is always a new adventure. i wonder if this hunger will ever subside.

the above picture was taken from my last adventure to costa rica. i still remember that night vividly. i had such a great time just sitting back after a long week filled with white-water rafting, hiking through lost canyons, and zip lining from tree to tree hundreds of feet in the air. my boyfriend and i enjoyed a wonderful meal, filled with plenty of laughs, as we recounted our first meeting, our first date, our first adventure together in Thailand, and plenty of other fond memories. i think we must have sat at that open-air restaurant for a good three hours, because we were there before the sunset, and by the time we got up to make the trek back to our hostel, the sky was pitch black. it was one of the best times of my life.

the name of the restaurant was barba rojas. don't let the pirate skull mislead you. it really is a wonderful restaurant with a beautiful ambiance, and delicious food.


next destination

>> Monday, August 10, 2009

photo by szeke on flickr

machu picchu, peru. this would be an amazing adventure, and one of my top 3 countries to go to next. also, it would definitely help me cross off another of those seven wonders i wanted to see.

i made a pact with my friend to go with her after she's done with graduate school. i am still going to go, even if she doesn't! so she better save!


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